At the meeting of the Governing Board of the Consortium for the tourist and cultural development of Lorca, held on December 4, 2017, the budget of the Consortium of which Lorcatour, Lorca Taller del Tiempo SAU is a member, was approved.
In the consolidated budget foreseen for 2018 there is a current transfer of this City Council of 321,654 euros to square the deficit presented by the company.
In that same meeting in the point of the agenda of requests and questions, the Councilor requested access to the disaggregated economic data of "personnel expense" and "expenditure of current goods and services".
Especially with regard to personnel, the Councilman is convinced that "they should be public as are the other workers of this City Council and their public companies."
This request was confirmed and committed by the Mayor and the management of the public company Lorcatour to facilitate it in the coming days.
"As we did not get an answer", on January 17 and February 6 the Councilman presented "two papers requesting
The detailed breakdown of the chapter - personnel costs -.
The breakdown and maximum possible detail of the chapter -funds of current goods and services- ".
Source: Ciudadanos Lorca