Mateos demands explanations and responsibilities from the Mayor and his team for this new error that, in addition to paralyzing this project and putting its financing at risk, has meant a cost of more than 20,000 euros that will come from the pockets of the taxpayers.
The Spokesman of the PSOE in the City of Lorca, Diego José Mateos denounces the stoppage of the contract file of the project of the road of the high districts, after eight months transacted.
Everything, due to "a new error" of the local government team, in another example of how the PP plans and executes the urban regeneration works "a salto de mata".
After the CARM, through the Ministry of Development, began in June 2017 the appropriate recruitment file to select the company that should undertake the works of the ring road of the Barrios Altos, an error of the local government team of the Party Popular has caused the file to be canceled.
As stated in the Order of the Ministry of the Presidency and Development of February 7, the procurement file is filed for a "non-repairable infraction" of the rules of the procurement process caused by the government team of the popular party of Lorca.
According to Mateos, this infraction consists of the fact that the City Council of Lorca carried out works that were included in said project and that therefore its execution was carried out by the winning company and its financing by the CARM.
The City of Lorca, charged to the municipal coffers, demolished at their own risk, without any coordination and without consulting the CARM, the expropriated homes without counting who was to execute the works.
As the initial project, which was being tendered, contemplated this demolition action, this has had to be annulled since it contains the forecast of some works that have already been executed and, therefore, if it were awarded, it would pay for some actions already completed .
In addition, this error, a non-repairable infraction committed by the City of Lorca, has been an expense that we will have to pay all Lorca and for which we will demand responsibility.
As they have learned, the expense amounts to 20,449 euros that was going to pay the CARM and that, finally and because of the precipitation of the PP, has left the municipal coffers.
They suspect that the expense is greater, reason why they demand that it realizes of the total amount that has supposed this error and that will be in charge of the pocket of the Lorca, in another case more of the little that hurts this government team PP public money.
Mateos has demanded explanations from Gil Jódar and ask that, as soon as possible, the file be initiated and if the PP government team is not able to work in coordination with the other intervening actors, unless it does not interfere.
From the PSOE ensure that it is a more "another more" example of improvisation, lack of coordination, the realization of works at breakneck speed, without a coherent city project, and a government team "exhausted and downhill".
Source: PSOE Lorca