Gloria Martín considered the price of the bonus destined, for example, to students, which is valid only from Monday to Friday in the months of September to June and costs 20 euros, the same as in Madrid, with the difference that in the capital of Spain young people can make unlimited use 365 days a year and also serves for travel by metro and train
The councilor of Izquierda Unida-Verdes, Gloria Martin, has asked the government team of the PP to order the signaling of the urban bus stops that exist on Avenida Juan Carlos I. Martín said that there are stretches of the works of regeneration of the main artery of Lorca that are already finished so it is necessary to re-indicate the stops and avoid the current lack of control.
Regarding the price of the ticket -1.30 euros, except for line of the polygon of La Torrecilla which costs 1.50- the mayor of IU-Green considered this "very high" taking into account that the distance traveled by the lines is quite small .
In that sense he explained that the single ticket costs 1.05 euros in Murcia and one euro in Molina de Segura.
In this last municipality, there is also a free bus pass for pensioners whose incomes do not exceed the minimum wage, for people with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 65% or for long-term unemployed who do not receive unemployment benefits or only have access to the subsidy.
"We do not understand this price difference or the lack of facilities for certain groups when Lorca does not provide a better interurban transport service than in the municipalities mentioned, which also have more lines and better schedules."
On the bonds, Martin considered "abusive" the price of the one destined in Lorca, for example, to the students, which is valid only from Monday to Friday in the months of September to June and costs 20 euros, "the same as in Madrid, with the difference that in the capital of Spain young people can make unlimited use 365 days a year and also serves for travel by metro and train, "he said.
"We receive complaints from single-parent families of three members who pay up to 70 euros a month to be able to travel by urban bus," which we consider excessive.
The same happens with young people who are forced to move to the Almenara Shopping Center, due to the lack of leisure alternatives in the urban area and in the districts (those that are lucky enough to have a bus line).
"They have to spend 2.6 euros every time they want to go to the cinema or the bowling alley, which some will think is trifling while for a family with several teenage children and limited resources is a great effort," he said.
Finally, Martin also requested the implementation of a combined voucher to travel through different lines.
With this voucher, the transfer between different lines would be free, if carried out in a period less than 60 minutes since the first trip was validated.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca