Councilman Antonio Meca continues with his project "C's listen to you" talks colloquiums in neighborhoods and districts to learn about their concerns, complaints, suggestions or contributions they want to share with the Councilman and other members of Citizens.
"These acts intend to listen precisely to citizens within their scope, in their associations or social centers, to have greater contact with their current concerns, trying to be part of the solution."
Last Tuesday was the district of Coy the protagonist of this meeting, where some thirty people gathered for more than two hours shared with the Councilman the problems that the high districts are dragging, transferring questions about depopulation, the lack of work and opportunities, the excessive receipt of water, the lack of industrial land, the scarcity of licenses, minimal transport, etc.
Mecca announces that "these neighborhood meetings are happening regularly throughout the geography of the municipality of Lorca, in order to have a more direct contact with neighbors and their concerns."
The nature of these meetings is intended to be open to all citizens, groups, associations and institutions to know their problems and implement the necessary actions to help their solution.
"It is now that we are on time when we can help citizens, others are only in the electoral period."
The meeting will take place this afternoon from 8 pm at the Apolonia Neighborhood Association.
Source: Ciudadanos Lorca