The municipal spokesman of IU-Green, Pedro Sosa, has appeared this morning before the media to highlight the position of his political group before the announcement of the revision of the urban planning of Lorca.
Throughout the current municipal corporation, Sosa points out, there have been many occasions in which we have highlighted the need to proceed with a revision of the general municipal planning plan of Lorca.
By way of background, the councilor of IU-V recalled that the General Urban Development Plan of Lorca was approved in 2002, with a political agreement between the PSOE, which governed at that time, and the PP.
Both parties agreed to implement an "a la carte" urban policy and away from the idea of ​​planning, where the urban planning figure prevailed, with so many headaches and so much public money -in judgments and in agreed returns- costing the pockets of the citizens of Lorca, and where the compensation system established as a system of action and urban management prevailing against the system of cooperation.
It was an insane General Plan, says Sosa.
A document that planned infinity of new urbanizable that initially generated spirals of speculation (in the peak years of the housing bubble) to finally (when the economic crisis broke out) become a headache for their owners, forced to pay significant amounts of Urban IBI where before they paid rustic IBI.
The only opposition to that General Plan was that of the United Left, maintains the mayor, who recalls the presentation of a brief of allegations where we impugn the entire General Plan and where we anticipate the innumerable problems that would later be highlighted.
The Plan was thought to turn to Lorca into a municipality of half a million inhabitants, where some districts would multiply its population by 30, and where it was based on the idea that there would be "water for all and for everything".
The General Plan had to be executed in 15 years, which are now fulfilled, and the truth is that there is an obvious paralysis that makes it necessary to review both the types of existing soil, the land requalification that was made, the execution systems established in it. , the multiple incompatibilities in the land uses that the political leaders of the PP and the PSOE did not know how to detect at that time and that have caused so many problems in recent years.
The Lorca General Plan opted for a model that left the momentum of the urban dynamics in private hands and, after the bursting of the housing bubble, we witness a paralysis that condemns many areas of Lorca to a lack of development for dozens of years.
By surprise, says the councilor of IU-V, last week the Mayor of Lorca announced the imminent and in-depth review of the General Municipal Plan.
It seems good, but it starts badly, Sosa says.
We want an in-depth review of it ... but the first thing that must be reviewed are the forms, and it does not seem to us that the Mayor announces that an agreement has already been signed with the UPCT (Polytechnic University of Cartagena) for that purpose.
It is not possible for us to find out about this from the press, "to accomplished facts".
The logical thing would have been to have the political groups of the Plenary first, since it is the Plenary which ultimately must approve the revision.
We do not enter to assess the quality of the contracted UPCT team.
Apparently it is a team with previous experience in this type of work.
We are surprised, that yes, that the Director of the same is a person -Marcos Ros Sempere- linked to the PSOE of the Region of Murcia, exconcejal of the City of Murcia by the PSOE and President of the last Regional Congress of the PSOE.
Sosa requires a copy of that agreement and that contract, of the guidelines, if any, given by the local government to the team of researchers hired and of the matters on which that team will work to prepare the revision of the General Plan.
Finally, we do not forget, says Councilman.
Of the urbanism that was designed in the first years of the 2000, and that was shaped in the current General Municipal Plan of Ordination, they are responsible as much the PSOE as the PP.
It has cost millions to the public coffers in returns of the agreements, has paralyzed the urban dynamics, has generated many problems in terms of incompatibility of land uses ... and we believe that, before turning the page and having a new Plan, the It would be logical to individualize the political leaders of that crazy urban political stage.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca