Satur Martínez: "It's about deepening the initiative of the Mayor to put Urbanism at the service of people, which in this case translates into allowing entrepreneurs and investors to improve their infrastructure."
The Town Planning Councilor in the City of Lorca, Mª Saturnina Martínez, reported that the City Council, following the instructions made by the Mayor, Fulgencio Gil, has approved an amendment to municipal regulations to relax the conditions established for companies located in the Saprelorca polygon can expand their facilities.
Satur Martinez explained that this measure is part of the goal of the First Edil to put the Urbanism at the service of people, allowing in this case the growth and development of industrial activities based in our city.
To this end, the Governing Board has drafted and approved a non-structural modification of the relative General Plan in relation to the regulation of the location of the auxiliary elements of this type of infrastructure.
The Town Planning Editrice has stated that the proposed modification is aimed at regulating the location of auxiliary elements, such as transformation centers, fire protection facilities ... and analogous elements that are not part of the production process, are necessary for the correct operative and normative operation of the different industries that make up the Industrial Estate.
This modification makes the conditions of the recessing spaces more flexible, without affecting the other parameters that are included in the approved planning instrument.
The scope of the modification is classified by the Consolidated Urban Land General Plan.
The Town Planning Council has anticipated that in the section of composition of the industrial plots a new concept is added, including as auxiliary elements those related to access control to the plots, supply of services (distribution and / or transformation centers, regulation stations) and measurement of gas (ERM) and fuel tanks), as well as the provision of environmental safety elements: water treatment and purification systems and atmospheric emissions and waste storage enclosures;
all this in compliance with the sectorial norms of application.
They are also considered as such, those necessary for the provision of fire protection elements (reservoirs of water, pressure equipment booth and pumping and storage of auxiliary equipment (fire extinguishers, water monitors, foam equipment and the like ).
The qualification of the setbacks is also made more flexible, incorporating the regulation of open car parks.
Thus, from now on, setbacks will be measured from the limit of the plots.
In all cases, the minimum number of vials will be 5 meters and boundaries of 4 meters.
The representative blocks will be separated at least 10 meters from the facades.
The auxiliary elements may be installed in the setback area, being able to occupy a maximum of 10% of the area of ​​the same;
provided that the passage of vehicles and emergency services is generally guaranteed;
that the adjacent facilities are not endangered or the image of the industrial estate is damaged.
Covered car parks open on at least three of its sides may be located in the setback area.
The rear setback space of several plots located to the northwest of the polygon, will be used for free and landscaped spaces, free of building.
The next step in this sense is to proceed with the opening of the public information process through publication in the BORM and in the electronic headquarters of the City Council.
It should be remembered that the regulatory framework of this industrial estate is determined by the approval in ordinary session held on June 28, 1990 of the Partial Plan called Lorca Enlargement Industrial Action, promoted by the State Society of Promotion and Equipment of Soil (SEPES).
This text was revised in 2004, and in October 2007 its regulatory ordinances were modified.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca