Citizens has organized a round table tomorrow with the Public Services Defense Association of Cartagena (Asepucar) on the abuse and abuse of private management in municipal water services.
The presentation will be held at the Palace of Huerto Ruano at 7 pm, and in addition to Antonio Meca, spokesman for the municipal group of citizens in the City of Lorca and Martín Rodríguez de Asepucar will participate in the panel Fernando Urruticoechea, municipal auditor in Torre Pacheco and the lawyer Francisco José Sánchez, president of the Mediterranean Anticorruption Association and for Transparency.
On the other hand Citizens continues with its program "Cs Lorca listens to you", in which it gives opportunity to neighbors of neighborhoods and districts to express their concerns, problems and suggestions.
On this occasion, the mayor Antonio Meca will visit today the hamlet of Ramonete, meeting with the neighborhood association at 9 pm.
Source: Ciudadanos Lorca