The PSOE denounces the slowdown of these works and request that the containers to be located in the area are buried, a solution is given to the unused scuppers and speed reducers are placed in a school zone where vehicles run at high speed and is a danger .
The councilor of the PSOE in the City of Lorca, David Romera, has denounced that the urban regeneration works are running in the placeta of the Rambla de Tejares and adjacent streets, "are currently bogged down", which is causing a loss to the neighbors of the area, mostly older people, "who have streets raised for more than five months and can barely go out into the street".
It is, says Romera, a work of small size that affects the placeta and Colmenar street, so "it is not understood that this work, which is being managed directly by the City, after five months, are not in finalization phase, because there is still to execute all the work of urbanization ".
The neighbors of the Rambla de Tejares, he says, "are having infinite patience" with these works, because since they were started "they can not dispose of or make use of the only space of distraction that exists in the entire neighborhood, in such a way that the older people have been locked up at home for five months and can barely go out on the street given the state of the works ".
Therefore, from the Municipal Socialist Group, ask the councilor of Works, Angel Mecca, to accelerate the work of execution of urban regeneration works in the placeta of the Ramblilla de Tejares and the nearby streets with more technical means and human, in order that the area returns to normality soon and the elderly people who live in the area, and who constitute the largest of the population of the area, can return to enjoy the only area of ​​distraction in the neighborhood.
On the other hand, Romera also demands other actions that are complementary but of great importance to improve the quality of life and road safety in the neighborhood, such as the burial of containers intended to create an ecological island where residents can separate waste for recycling and eliminating odors and falling waste outside of traditional containers.
In addition, it demands the connection of the scuppers that have been unused with the future collector to be built in the area;
and the installation of transverse speed reducing belts in both the Cañada de Morales and the Ramblilla de Tejares, since it is an important school zone (CEIP Juan González and the Alfonso Embarre Sports Complex), "where hundreds of children go every day, those who circulate in good part for the road given the narrowness of the sidewalks, the broken street layout and the high speed reached by the vehicles, many heavy in the presence of several stores.
Source: PSOE Lorca