The councilor of Izquierda Unida-Verdes, Peñas Adoration, has advanced this morning that will propose to the municipal government a political initiative to control in our municipality the sports betting venues that in recent years have appeared in the center of the city and in several neighborhoods of Lorca.
The mayor of IU-V argues that in the urban landscape of Lorca, like that of many Spanish cities, have mushroomed sports betting venues generating a very serious pathology in a very significant percentage of young people, compared to which is It is necessary for the institutions to arbitrate the appropriate public policies.
In the absence of a regional gambling law, which already exists in other Spanish autonomies, which limits and controls this generation activity of additions in youth, the councilor of IU-V asks that the City Council develop a plan for the prevention of gambling addiction that includes actions and specific measures to fight against the addictive behaviors linked to the game, while, the appropriate competences and own of the municipalities in areas like the sanitary one, the police or the urbanism are controlled to control this activity.
Adoración Peñas affirms that there are already Spanish municipalities that, through their competencies in urban matters, are limiting this activity with the establishment of a minimum distance from the teaching centers for the location of the betting venues, which, on the other hand, is a measure that the Economic and Social Council (CES) of the Region of Murcia has already contemplated in one of its recent reports.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca