They assure that a few months ago it was proposed in the middle of the municipality the authorization of a QR code so that deaf people can know the Lorca's heritage.
Adoración Peñas, Councilor of IU-Verdes de Lorca regretted that the government team has ignored the needs of deaf people.
The mayor is referring to a proposal taken to full by IU-Verdes a few months ago in which the installation of QR codes was requested in the different artistic-historical monuments of the city.
Peñas said then, that the proposal could be made with a very low economic cost and a single investment, since it was only necessary to translate in sign language each monumental space and the installation of the aforementioned code in one of them, without further maintenance nor of investment.
The councilor made this proposal after receiving the request from those affected who considered it an easily applicable resource and that would undoubtedly facilitate access to the culture of deaf people in Lorca, as well as in the face of tourism promotion.
For this reason, from IU-Greens do not understand how the occasion has not been taken advantage of after the recent creation of a network of 14 viewpoints and squares in the historic precinct by students of employment workshops, as spaces to contemplate the city from the higher, spotting some privileged views of the roofs of San Patricio, the old school of the Purisima (now Narciso Yepes Conservatory of Music), the church of Santiago and Calvary, gathering the most representative urban and architectural landmarks, such as the old convent of La Merced and the Almohad wall, the porch of San Antonio, the old jail, the pósito and the Rojano tower and the roundabouts of San Vicente and Santo Domingo, among others.
Peñas assures that this is another example of the lack of importance that the government team gives to the proposals that the municipal groups bring to the municipal plenary session, the highest municipal representative body and regrets that the edited leaflets, the established itineraries, the posters indicators of the name of the viewpoints or squares, or the banks placed are not accompanied by QR codes so that deaf people have the same right of access to culture as other citizens, forgetting again those with special difficulties.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca