In the last edition, Lorca students managed to raise 3,578 euros for charity projects in Burundi, Angola and Brazil
The Councillor for Education of the City of Lorca, José Joaquín Peñarrubia, announced that the Library Pilar Barnes will participate for the fourth consecutive year in the Olympics for Development Studies, to be held this year between November 5 and December 5.
Peñarrubia wanted to "appeal to Lorca to join this event, studying in the library Pilar Barnes and enabling every hour of study is intended for 1 euro to development cooperation projects of NGOs organizing of this global campaign: Cooperation, ACTEC and International Cooperation. "
After the successful 2009 campaign, in which students managed to raise 3,578 euros Lorca is allocated to humanitarian projects in Burundi, Angola and Brazil this year, the funds raised will go to "the rehabilitation of four schools in Haiti and to provide schoolchildren of this country's physical and psychological support for their reintegration into school after the earthquake that struck Haiti in early 2010, "said Councilman of Education.
Anyone who wants to participate in Lorca should approach the study room of the Library "Pilar Barnes," and addressed to the librarian in charge of the room, it will take the data you enter in the Olympics and give you your passport supportive study to keep track of hours and euros achieved through their efforts in the study.
Once registered, you must decide how long they will study and the librarian will give you the corresponding paper money: paper money is 1 hour and 1 ½ hours, equivalent to 1 euro and 1.5 euro respectively.
Upon leaving, the librarian will check the paper currency, stamp and enter in the box, write down the hours in the studio and completed passport control sheets.
Finally will insert the data room in website.
This allows us to know day to day business performance.
The rest of days that students attend study hall for development, will only have to collect paper money and, once completed its study, asked to check their paper and seal to insert it into the ballot box.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca