Furthermore, the Water Framework Directive, drafted by the EU, Spain prohibits all forms subsidize that cost.
Manuel Soler, candidate of the Socialist Party and President of the Community of Irrigators, hides this information to irrigators, and goes from "passing out water" to "holy water."
Water Councilman City of Lorca, Melchor Morales, has reported the rising price of desalinated water for irrigation, reduced from 36 cents to a euro m3.
Morales has held that it is the finding that the cost of desalinated water makes it impractical for use by producers of agricultural Lorca.
Morales Manuel Soler has demanded that "face to the irrigators Lorca" and explained to them now because of their political commitments has mortgaged the future of the Community of Irrigators.
Recently, and to be welcomed by Zapatero, has embraced desalination as the solution to the problems of water for irrigation.
Today it receives a new "slap" with the rising price of that water, an increase that becomes inaccessible and impractical to be used to irrigate crops.
A Soler has run out of excuses and must resign immediately.
What will happen now with the price of desalinated water?
Well, the irrigators will have to pay one euro desalinated water per cubic meter, three times more expensive than what was said by Soler.
Indeed Acuamed and has announced to raise the price of water.
Manuel Soler "shines" votes for desalination without the farmers, trying to deceive with false promises to the irrigation of established and seriously endangers the future of the Community of Irrigators of its commitment to buy desalinated water
Morales has indicated that Soler has an obligation to clearly explain the process of legalizing consolidated irrigation, since irrigation is misleading promising the impossible.
Not true, says Soler as they can legalize all the wells and fields., In fact the irrigators should know that only you can recognize surfaces and land use rights before the Hydrological Plan of the Segura basin (before de1999) and the maintaining the irrigation resources.
In addition, to water with desalinated water would have to file an administrative concession.
These issues, along with many others, are those who deliberately hidden Soler irrigators.
That is why you have to speak at the general assembly and not the media.
There will have to explain the reason for their vote treacherous without having had irrigators.
Following its recent betrayal of irrigators Lorca and colleagues of the Central Union of Irrigation Aqueduct Tajo-Segura (SCRATS), Manuel Soler has no face and is still sitting on the couch in the street slide playing politics at the expense of deceiving irrigators.
Not content with that, is dedicated to bringing to Lorca on 26th November at a large number of socialist enemies of water to the region headed by the President of Extremadura.
The odd thing is that they come to pledge transfers from the Tagus basin, where in the basin these socialists have approved the transfer zero for Murcia.
But it is even more severe than in the Segura basin include the ability to transfer zero.
Who are they kidding, is what is not palpable enough to give us their intention not even a drop of water?
Mr. Soler should convene immediately to irrigators explain and resign, and move him to political interests are at odds with the president of the Community of Irrigators can not repeat another act of treason.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca