Socialist Councillor Maria Ponce said today that the mayor of PP, Eulalia Ibarra, lying when he said the government of the nation has decreased by 82.39% of its contribution to local health care program for immigrants of Lorca with previous year .
Ponce said that instead of doing politics "creeping" Ibarra should travel more to Murcia regional government to demand that their party to transfer to the City Council of aid that it must adduce as "who do not pay is Murcia, Madrid no ".
The PSOE mayor said, with official documents in hand, the Protocol for 2010 Extension of the agreement signed between the Autonomous Community of Murcia (CARM) and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MLSA) for Development Projects Reception and Integration of Immigrants and Education Reinforcement, published in the 30/11/2010 Borman, approves aid to the Municipal Council of Social Services City of Lorca of € 264,321.43, of which € 185,025.00 (not 15,308 as Ibarra says) under the Ministry and the CARM € 79,296.43.
In addition the council must provide lorquino 15% of the total grant.
Moreover, the Socialist councilor Ibarra accused of "having a hard face" because he really is leaving "on a tightrope 'associations and local NGOs is the City Council of Lorca" that takes two years without paying the subsidy municipal these bodies, having reduced its contribution in this period by more than 60%. "
Ponce called the attitude of Ibarra Eulalia "indecent" and said it was the "personification of anti-social policy of the PP in the municipality" and "the worst Councillor for Social Services has ever seen the city of Lorca" because " social as well as insensitive and manipulative liar. "
Source: PSOE Lorca