The PSOE also regrets that the PP is appropriate emblem hall "that represents all Lorca" and use it as a "claim" to give legitimacy to a policy of "biased, manipulated, and in many cases, fictitious"
The number two in the PSOE candidate for municipal elections May 22, Rafael Ruiz, has denounced the campaign of "slander and lies" People's Party through the leaflet "clear accounts" and refers to the situation City's financial.
First, Ruiz lamented the appropriation "insulting" that the Popular Party has made the emblem of the town hall "that represents all Lorca" and is used as a "claim" to give legitimacy to a policy of "biased, manipulated and in many cases, fictitious. "
The PSOE PP require the mayor, Francisco Jodar, publicly display printing invoices and distribution of this material that "has all the earmarks that have funded over the Lorca", which would be "very serious" .
On the contents of the leaflets, Rafael Ruiz was the document signed Statement of the City Council in June 2007, the outgoing mayor, Leoncio Collado, and the incoming Mayor Francisco Jodar.
According to it, to June 15, 2007, the City's indebtedness to banks was 29 million euros, to which was added a loan of another 13 million signed a few months before the municipal elections that were intended, among others, funding for the crossing of the council of La Hoya or the part of the University and the Artisan Quarter rightful pay to City Hall.
That is, borrowed money that the City Council for infrastructure to serve the citizens.
Ie, total bank debt was 42 million.
To this figure must be added 10.5 million in policies, the debt to suppliers, which was 26 million, plus another million and a half million euros out of entry that corresponded to common contingencies that faces City Hall.
In total, the City's indebtedness when the PSOE left the hall in 2007 was 80 million euros, a "reasonable" for a town the size that came rushing Lorca "significant public investment" and in any case, a lower indebtedness of municipalities governed by the PP as Murcia and Cartagena, said Ruiz.
The number two socialist candidates also showed that the total receivables of the City Council recognized in 2007 was more than 32.4 million euros, "not 1.2 million as the PP tries to make a false view in his pamphlet.
Jódar Ruiz asked "where the figure is drawn to the City's indebtedness was 105.2 million euros."
He pointed out that the PP could be guilty of misrepresentation in a public document and that the conclusions of the famous publishing audit "are taken from the manga that figure does not appear in the official report."
"What are invented and not covered by the audit alleged is that the City's indebtedness in 2007 was 105.2 million euros. And it says the audit because, as I just demonstrated, that data is absolutely false" denounced Ruiz, who said "4 years ago Jódar lying to Lorca."
The socialist candidate audit also showed a five-page document of which two correspond to a cover and an index and Ruiz said that "we contrasted with audit professionals who have tired of laughing when they had occasion to read it."
2007 vs 2009
Rafael Ruiz compared the actual figures that we have already pointed out, Jódar management and PP in Lorca.
For this we chose the basis of 2009 data, because the last financial year is closed.
On that topic, he wondered how it is possible that the PP ensure that the City Council in 2011 deficit is only 2.5 million euros, when not even closed the year 2010.
In any case, Ruiz said that "only with the departure of 10 million euros from the Autonomous Region which the PP included as income in the municipal budgets of 2010 and never came as I noticed from the PSOE, and the 9 million from the sale of municipal assets also warned that should be paid into, as has happened, and there are 19 million deficit, and do not want you to believe 2.5 as citizens. "
On the comparison between 2007 and 2009 data, the conclusions are that Jódar bank debt has gone from 42 to 58.2 million euros, has been an increase of 16.2 million euros.
On policies, taking into account that in January 2011 the municipal government team Jódar Francisco authorized the signing of policies worth 8 million euros, has risen from 10.5 to 11 million this item.
Regarding the debt to suppliers and creditors, it was 26 million euros in 2007.
Only in 2009 rose to 32.2 million euros, although at higher than 40.
The total debt for the management of Francisco Jódar amounts to EUR 101.4 million, the first time that the city of Lorca is above the threshold of a hundred million.
Ruiz also denied that the biggest operation of indebtedness of the City of Lorca took place with the PSOE.
And is that the biggest loan the municipality has asked Lorca was 20 million euros was signed in July 2009 which obliged by order of the Ministry of Economy, was to have been used to pay suppliers, which obviously has not happened because the list of suppliers, tapering away as presumed Jódar has increased by 6.2 million euros.
Rafael Ruiz, also left evidence of the information provided by the PP with respect to municipal taxes.
"Jódar claims to have fallen by 4% the seal of the car in four years it was only in 2006, Lorca received a real decline of 7.4% in the seal of the car," said the Socialist candidate.
Ruiz also added that in the last parliament, the Socialists abolished the tax to owners of tractors, a measure that directly benefited 500 farmers.
Tax on Economic Activities (IAE) of the PP mayor also boasts of having dropped 50% for farmers, ranchers and tanners.
"What it says is that the IAE Jódar is charged only to companies that billed more than one million euros a year, so that its measure has had a low incidence and in any case, tends to benefit the most is not the most in need, "said Ruiz.
Regarding capital gains, Jódar also boasts of lower than 5% of them, when in the last term of the PSOE, bonus 40% all gains, plus bonuses are up to 90% of licenses in the historical or 50% industrial projects, as has been done now Noksel.
Ruiz said that "we feel obliged to dismiss outright slander, falsehoods and lies Jódar and the Popular Party, not pride itself but by a demand for decency and respect for citizens of Lorca" .
Source: PSOE Lorca