Portal de Lorca


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detail of Lorca


The reality shows clearly the lamentable works socialist management (07/04/2011)

These avenues of the town, the PSOE presented as "flagship projects, have been in stellate"

April 7, 1911 .- The secretary general of the Partido Popular de Lorca, Angel García Aragón, has reported that the streets Nogalte, Floridablanca and Alfonso X will have to be rebuilt in its entirety just 4 years after being upgraded during the stage theory of PSOE.

Aragón García has stated that "these are works that were sold as flagship projects for the Socialists Lorca, and projects have been dashed."

The secretary general of the PP Lorca has said that "we have an example of how managed the PSOE. It is unusual that only 4 years later, these streets present the deplorable state in which they find themselves. Nogalte Street is a mess, the beds disappeared by definition zero, the floor slabs dance the tango every time you pass a car, and when it rains over the firm becomes waterlogged because there was nothing to channel rainwater. And, last but not least, remember that the Lorca have had to pay back 158,000 euros a few months ago for this work, since the Socialists introduced a modified was not covered by the fund which financed the work Feder. a true success, we will. "

Regarding the street Floridablanca, Garcia Aragon said that the most outrageous example of all, it's about the most recent work and presents the worst aspect.

The truth is that since the work began badly, inexplicably made a crooked street when it was straight life.

Also the lighting was poor and the floor has collapsed several times in different sections.

As if this were not enough, Lorca need to know that the Socialists said they work cost 327,000, and we do not know why, ended up costing 577,000, ie 250,000 euros.

That is, a clumsy and expensive work.

On the street for Alfonso X, whose work cost 260,000 euros to Lorca, is a case very similar to Nogalte street.

It is a street that just 4 years after being lifted completely, must be reconstructed in its entirety, as the firm is impracticable, the sidewalks slippery, the floor slabs have been released and the floor has many potholes.

Source: PP Lorca

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