From the Youth of CiudaLor we require to D.
Pedro Cazorla to retract their statements last week in which he referred to the youth in a derogatory manner by relating them to the bottle
The CiudaLor youths have been on the demonstrations that have made these recent days against the cuts in education and if D.
Pedro Cazorla had been there probably would have found the civility and respect for these young people to exercise their right to demonstrate freely, against cuts that affect them, because a lower quality of education
As publicly reported our party's general secretary, Juan Navarro, young people are the present and the future of society and these statements were misplaced.
From CiudaLor youths demand more respect for people who come together to interact, study, have leisure, sports or any other activity, without the "bottle" is part of their customs.
If this were widespread alcoholism in young people would be 95%.
Fortunately, the young Lorca have other ways to have fun: with wisdom and seriousness, limiting consumption of alcohol so much that Mr. Cazorla think.
Generalities are dangerous, and young people feel offended.
The disqualification and those who shape the future of any society is a grave mistake that deserves addressed.
Natalia Sanchez Fernandez
Youth Representative CiudaLor
Source: Ciudadanos de Lorca