Lorca City Council will undertake this work, involving an investment of € 35,252.03 funded under the Tourism Promotion Plan.
The Councillor of Tourism of the Municipality of Lorca, Francisco Montiel, reported this morning that the Local Government Board has approved hiring a company specializing in the municipality of the second phase of consolidation and musealization the remains of the Jewish Castle Lorca, amounting to € 35,252.03, a project framed within the Product Plan to Promote Tourism Lorca.
Montiel explained that "the purpose of the consolidation works of archaeological excavation in the area east of the Castillo de Lorca (Sector A-2.1 and 2.2) is to run, define, describe, justify and evaluate the work necessary to consolidate, muselización and enhancement of the archaeological excavation of the eastern area of ​​the Castle of Lorca, in their sectors A.2.1 and 2.2.'s performances tend to consolidate the stability of the factories and the remains preserved, protecting open spaces and various structures against atmospheric agents.
In parallel to this conservative and restorative intervention is proposed to create a passage or corridor, which starts A.1 sector (which started at the premises of Lorca Taller del Tiempo) allowing the guided tour of the remains and enables a musealization of them, facilitating global understanding of all excavated and expanding the area of ​​guided tours that are already underway in the excavation.
In 2009 we developed the first season of excavation in this area of ​​the castle of Lorca and so far there have been three speeches, which so far represent the first scientific approach to the archaeological potential of the sector, which is expected to act as a nexus between actions undertaken musealized sector, through the project Lorca Taller del Tiempo and preserved remains found in the area of ​​House (synagogue, house No VII, remains Almohad, etc.).
The ultimate goal is to establish a route through Castle musealized allowing the visit to the remains be exhumed, including the church of San Clemente and the Fish Gate.
Development Plan to Promote Tourism Product of Lorca is the result of an agreement between the city of Lorca, the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Consumer Affairs of the Autonomous Region of Murcia, and Regional Confederation of Business Organizations (CECLOR).
This year will be undertaken two phases of excavation missing
The first phase of consolidation of the excavations of the Jewish Lorca Castle, which was held in parallel with the third phase of excavation was completed in February and was another investment of 30,000 euros by the General Directorate of Fine Arts and Cultural Region.
For its part, is expected to be House who take the consolidation of the third stage of excavation completed a month ago and that over this year made the other two phases of excavation of this area of ​​the castle.
In the structures of the second phase of excavation, we are now going to consolidate, we can identify a workshop production of glass from the XIV and XV, confirm the existence of a craft area at the end of the Jewish quarter, with several new houses excavated.
From September, the excavations of this area of ​​the castle are included in the tourist offer of "Lorca Taller del Tiempo", with an enthusiastic response from the Lorca and visitors.
The council has explained that "without doubt, the enhancement of this heritage tourism will boost the Jew."
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca