Murcia, Wednesday June 22, 2011 .- The Cajamurcia Foundation, together with the Municipality of Lorca and arts companies have decided to move until after the summer holidays, the celebration of children's festival 'The smile of a child', organized restore normality in the social and cultural life of the municipality after the earthquake.
The proceedings, which began two weeks ago, will be postponed until after the summer and resumed in a new space, the Theatre War, this date is already restored.
The purpose of this change of scenery is to provide assistance to a greater number of people, thanks to the accessibility of the theater located in the center of Lorca, and provide greater opportunities for companies performing partners.
In this children's festival in all sixteen participating companies in the region with performances of theater, puppetry and magic.
Sunday Artés and Mayi, District Productions, the Company of Aurora Productions Redondo Ribalta far are the companies that have participated in the first two weeks of the festival, which also participate, upon resumption, Aftalia Theatre, Theatre Alquibla, Charley Max Double K Theatre, Theatre Area, Tale Theatre, La Murga, Nacho Vilar-La Troupe Malabo Productions, Seven Comedians, Zero Theatre, Theatre Sylph and Thespis Theatre Company.
Note that all artists and companies working together in solidarity and altruistic, like other professionals and companies involved as volunteers in the organization and dissemination of the festival: Pictograph, Riga Cultural Activities, Alternative Communication, Telemag, Sr . Mentekitchen, etc.
The Foundation Cajamurcia addresses the technical costs of these activities: installation of stage lighting and sound, and so on.
Source: Agencias