Marisol Sanchez The socialist deputy spokesman began his appearance before the media saying that "two months have passed since the catastrophe of the earthquakes in our city and believe that to date we have not made sufficient progress in reconstruction and in solving the serious problems that have most of the citizens of our city. We consider it the best chance and the best time to throw balls out and blamed the opposition, but now it's working together to be more resolute because it is what are expecting from us citizens. "
Sanchez reported that "in regard to demoicion buildings, nearly fifty have already been demolished at a cost to date of around 4 million euros from the budget of the Ministry of Interior, to which one must add the amount of the pending proceeding to demolition. Today there are too many families living with the uncertainty of knowing if their homes will be demolished or not, something that should be solved from Urban, who is responsible order demolition. "
Lorquina The mayor continued saying that "given that this work is being done with the necessary speed, from the Municipal Socialist Group in the Central Administration will ask for an extension of at least 30 days, and to consider its extension for an indefinite period if necessary, as the currently established for State Aid for demolition have a deadline of August 4. "
Socialist Councillor has stated that "the Socialist Group we regret that after almost two months since this tragedy, to date not a single record of the aid provided for in Decree Law has been processed to Madrid in order to be reimbursed to victims. The processing of these records that provide aid for rent and aid to repair homes that lacked insurance is the responsibility of local and regional governments and one of the requirements is that these records are filed with the Joint Commission; commission has not been called because to date the owner lacked the Directorate General of Housing. "
Social responsibility has been claimed to be cognizant that "an exclusively state aid, such as having to do with the Consortium, are coming. Similarly, items related to the demolition from the state are entering. Sorry ones not proceeding as quickly as regards the aids provided for in Decree-Law co-financed between the state and the autonomous region, where the processing of applications to Madrid is the responsibility of local and regional governments, which to date today have not put on the table of the Joint Commission's file a single Lorca, although there are thousands of citizens who are watching Lorca resent their economies facing a payment that they are suffocating. Therefore the Socialist Group who asked to urgently meet the Joint Commission immediately as last Friday was appointed by the regional government's new General Director of Housing, Ms. Maria Yolanda Muñoz, who has to be part of this Commission , which sadly was delaying the call for it. There is no excuse for this Commission to meet immediately, the citizens of Lorca may not, deserve to wait. "
Marisol Sanchez ended his appearance before the media adding that "from the Municipal Socialist Group we reiterate our full readiness to cooperate with the Municipal Government of the People's Party. But this is indispensable to count on us and that we have the necessary information facts which unfortunately did not happen today ".
Source: PSOE Lorca