The former local head of the Young says this project that is submitted to the Secretary General of the Socialist Lorca, "aims to promote active membership, committed, informed and motivated," gets the message that Lorca gave May 22 and points to be prepared to face this important challenge
Juan Antonio Hurtado has announced his intention to stand as Secretary General of the Socialist Group in Lorca Extraordinary General Assembly will be held on September 3.
Hurtado said this step because it believes is the right time to produce much-needed generational change for the future of the PSOE in Lorca.
It also states that having held various executive positions in local grants sufficient knowledge on the situation of the party to carry it out.
For Hurtado, Lorca sent a clear message to the PSOE in the polls last May 22, "while peers think that these years have left their living by Lorca, whose work in an almost absolute we are proud, we must build together a new party, modern and exciting, "mirror" where Lorca again be represented and thus, can rely on us for the second great modernization of our city after the shock of earthquakes which have led May. "
As a candidate has pointed that the project is seeking "a militant, active, committed, informed and motivated. For this new stage, the party must remove its structures, operations and strategies, others focused on these new objectives."
Although they recognized that to meet these ambitious objectives, a deep structural reform project, philosophy of work, channels of participation are presented as the great challenge in the short term, the new party leadership to be born the next Special Meeting will have a majority support of militancy and that will work "hard and tirelessly" to the September 3, through dialogue with all members and all the sensitivities that exist in the Band, "beginning with the companion Gines Diaz", which already announced his intention to the Secretary General last week.
Hurtado Juan Antonio Alcaraz, 34, BA in History from the University of Murcia and Senior Technical Application Development, is a militant of the group lorquina since 1995, after the electoral defeat of socialist regional level.
He served as Secretary General of the Young Socialist Lorca from 2000 to 2002 and currently is Chairman of the Ethics Committee of the PSRM-PSOE.
Source: Juan Antonio Hurtado Alcaraz