This amount has been collected through the contributions of participants in the various events that are developed by the Municipal Center on Aging.
Communication Spokesperson of the City of Lorca, Maria del Carmen Ruiz, received this morning at the Senior Councilor, Social Services, Health and Consumer Affairs Municipal Consistory Eagles, who has moved to our city by the President of the Center Senior Municipal, Juana Gonzalez, and Secretary of the same, Francisca Montalbán.
The purpose of this visit has been delivering aid aquiline solidarity of the group of older people, who wanted to contribute financially to the recovery of Lorca after the earthquake last May 11.
Jódar Ruiz thanked the effort made in this regard by this group.
Note that this is an amount of 1,455 euros, collected through the contributions that have collaborated with the greatest aquiline Municipal Center on Aging throughout the activities have been completed during the months of June to December 2011 (raffles, cultural weeks, Grandparents Day, etc.).
Communication Spokesperson explained that this amount will be integrated into economic channels funds and manages the Bureau for Development, in order to help those affected by the earthquakes of May 11 and allow the recovery of the municipality and its socio-economic revival.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca