Before the announcement issued by the Assembly of victims of concentration in the Vineyard, on Friday the 20th, to demand the necessary aid to the recovery of Lorca, the United Left wishes to express its total support and commitment to these reasonable and necessary requests, so that encourages all its members, supporters and voters to support this call to their assistance.
José García Murcia, spokesman for the municipal council of UI in the city of Lorca, in connection with this call has stated the following:
1 .- That disproves the behavior of the new Government Commissioner for the earthquake in Lorca, D.
Mario Garces, Lorca had not visited so far after his appointment, and calls urgently consider the long delay it takes for recovery of the city proposing new measures to this end.
2 .- That the Joint Committee has become an evasion of Lorca.
It's an absolute hoax.
More than a body which drives the measures approved in the decree 6 / 2011, has become an obstacle to its implementation.
In this regard, José García Murcia asks the chairman of that committee to move public opinion lorquina an updated and detailed status of business development, of assistance approved exact specification of payments, as well as obstacles not to have resolved the past records total more than eight months of earthquakes.
3 .- To blame the Minister of Economy Mr. Marin is not seen in the 2012 regional budgets for specific items for payment of aid, leaving in question the regional government's commitment to Lorca.
Jose Garcia is something that every point Murcia considered unthinkable.
4 .- Finally, states that municipal irresponsibility is clearly still not having completed the expert advice for records requested declaration of ruin.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca