Jose Garcia Murcia, spokesman for the municipal council of IV-V, about the visit by Secretary of State for Tourism, Mr meetings.
Borrego, questions the economic impact of the project on Lorca, on the impact on local employment, and reports that the cost to the Parador is equivalent to the debt that the City of Lorca has with suppliers, or 30 million euros.
At 24 million euros that the state had already invested in the construction of the inn had become the last 5 provided for rehabilitation from the damage the earthquakes of May 11, 2011, noting that Mr. García Murcia or even for emergency housing or educational Lorca the state has enough money to the hostel.
Thus, Garcia Murcia has argued that there is no any study of socio-economic analysis that considers the impact that the hostel will mean for the economy Lorca, so the council has concerns that there is a significant number of jobs for citizens Lorca generated by their implementation.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca