It notes that the "alleged balance 'announced yesterday by the Mayor of Lorca, obeys the theoretical compensation made by extraordinary income received at City Hall following the earthquake, and the obvious decline in services and investment taking place in Lorca.
Councilman IU Informa-V is likely the City has recorded as revenue in the year 2011 as 12.5 million received from the Insurance Compensation Consortium, as the 1.5 million to restore cultural heritage, which is offset Logically, the gaps between revenue and expenditure would obviously result from 2011 in its ordinary execution.
So hopefully soon we can analyze the data and see what would be the settlement without the extraordinary contributions, to enable a more accurate political assessment of the management of the government team in 2011.
On the other hand, consider that in 2011 we lost all autonomous bodies, which has impacted negatively on service delivery and implementation of activities in the municipality.
As for investments, Councilman Garcia Murcia ponders the Youth Space, which had an allocation of 608,100 euros in the 2011 budget, or the Artisan Quarter which had been allocated 800,000 euros, or South Round a budget of 2,800,000 euros for its beginning, and so on.
We could simulate an equation and say that:
(Low + low investment activity) + (extraordinary income) + deficit = less sadness in the village.
Thus, we see that the streets are not repaired, the road marking is not that the roads in the garden are not fixed, that the districts do not invest anything, that cultural activity has declined, the sport is very resentful, that the neighbors are not minimal support to program their social and cultural events, which is causing loss of confidence in a government team that received extra support in the elections of May 22 because of the exceptionally time.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca