The socialist councilor, Isabel Casalduero, said that "the rise Municipal Socialist Group in Parliament on Monday a motion related to the implementation of mechanisms for citizen participation and control of government action referred to in the Rules of Participation" .
Casalduero recalled that "one of the main objectives set by the Popular Party in its election manifesto ahead of local elections in 2007, was to get the documentation of Lorca as Municipality of Great Population and everything derived from it. Day November 28, 2007, the Regional Assembly during a plenary session, agreed to approve this new cataloging of enforcing the city's regime organization of municipalities classified as high population of eligible cities over 75,000 inhabitants. January 11, 2008, Lorca began to abide by the rules. This meant a new model of devolution of functions and the division of the city into districts. Supposedly, one of the major achievements that would be achieved, the team government at the time, would be increased citizen participation. "
The mayor has detailed lorquina "following that statement, the full City Council unanimously approved with the consensus of all political forces, the Rules for Participation Citizen of Lorca, the main control mechanism of government action and participation of neighbors and citizens' organizations in policy design and, in turn, regulates the participatory bodies such as the Board of the Town, sector councils and districts. Relying on this regulation and the imminent launch of the organs mentioned above, the City justified the demise of the Municipal Councils and Autonomous Bodies unilaterally and effective on December 31, 2010. words disappear the main mechanisms of control, supervision and participation with that had the City ".
Social responsibility has highlighted that "the situation we are living today is exactly the opposite of the Popular Party when wielded to justify the disappearance of these councils and autonomous bodies. We live in an era of unprecedented opacity which both the citizens, the media and the opposition does not have access to more information about the performance of the government team that they themselves want to move. We are in a time when all decisions are concentrated in the figure of the Mayor and the Board of Directors, without any method to participate or comment on them. So without information and without participation, their performance is hardly accountable manner. "
Casalduero Isabel stated that "of all these mechanisms that we been talking about since 2007, the only on that developed by the regulation, is the Social Council of the City. From Municipal Socialist Group, we believe that all mechanisms provided for in Regulation Public Participation in Lorca, are necessary to end the opacity of the Municipal management is being lived today, although we do not understand the fact that no special interest in starting these mechanisms, and even those whose regulation and composition already fixed. This is the case of Social City Council, top advisory body and the participation of the city and whose goal is the public debate on fundamental issues of life the municipality. We firmly believe that the situation in which is immersed Lorca, from earthquakes of May, is necessary to the functioning of this council, chaired by the mayor in office and in which the former mayors of the city ​​shall be ex officio members. also believe that the standing committee, the core of the board who shall perform the functions of the same issues that require urgency and agility should be part of the joint board, which channels aid donations that following the earthquake are receiving the town of Lorca. "
The socialist leader added that "our belief is reinforced when we analyze the conclusions drawn by the group of technical experts of the Council of Europe who visited our city after the earthquake and made an extensive analysis, drafting of conclusions and proposals for our city, that all groups recognized in a previous Municipal full. If we proceed to the analysis of that text, we draw the conclusion that the main points set out therein, have a rapid and effective implementation if the mechanisms of the regulation citizen participation were already in operation, which makes us not to understand what is stopping the government team to put in place immediately. "
Casalduero Jodar has insisted that "we believe that we can not be applauding the report of the Expert Council of Europe and sit back in your application when unanimously, with Mayor and Aldermen at the helm, we have recognized the wisdom and the need to implement their proposals. All this suggests that since the government team is more interest in hiding that report, which is clearly prejudicial to the interests of the city. "
Policy stating that Lorca has completed "the Socialist Municipal Group, presents the full regular April, in the form of motion, a firm request to the government team that put up: 'So immediately, the Board of the City, as this is a regulatory agency whose regulation is approved and published in the BORM last year and a half and whose constitution was designed, even naming the representatives of the associations that would form part of it, for over a year. -A as soon as possible, the rest of citizen participation mechanisms, control and supervision provided for in Regulation Public Participation in our city, adapting to the suggestions and recommendations to the Council of Europe experts drawn from your visit to the city makes and months. "
Source: PSOE Lorca