Councilmember of the City of Lorca NGO, Antonia Lopez, and the president of the Association of Solidarity with the People Families Belarusian, Rafael Andreu, have reported that this group offers a conference tomorrow on the disaster and Belarus Fukusima seen from the point of view more humane.
The Cultural Hall will host CajaMurcia at 12:00 hours the conference Fukusima degree in pedagogy, Tomonoti Watanabe, who will give details of his work as a social worker in a paint shop on the emotional relationships between mothers and children who launched after the disaster of March 11.
Then Margolina Svetlana, member of the Governing Council of the Belarusian Charitable Association "Hope for the Future" program coordinator of each summer bring healing to children in this area Lorca.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca