Training magenta Lorca expressed his rejection and has indicated that it will support the festivities surrounding the city of Lorca has planned to commemorate the anniversary of the earthquake.
As indicated by Juan Manuel Cabrera, coordinator and spokesman for the Guadalentín UPyD, there is no cause for celebration when "the community has withheld aid to those affected and has not lifted a finger to fix high schools, and downtown health ".
The fact is that there are still many families who are without homes, without help, who have lost everything, and they have to fight each other to avoid being devoured by property speculation ahead.
In this sense, Juan Manuel Cabrera said that the government team of the City of Lorca and the regional government has organized its own celebration party with the participation in races and attend concerts "for photographs with celebrities while the streets Lorca was filled with banners demanding that aid has not arrived and may never. "
According to findings from the report of the expert mission of the Council of Europe in relation to the earthquake in Lorca, are large gaps that exist and many errors have occurred: not developed a comprehensive plan for reconstruction, not been addressed to the socially disadvantaged neighborhoods, have not been applied sustainability criteria consistent planning and reconstruction, reconstruction has not prevailed on the destruction, there has been a rescue plan and heritage enhancement its potential, the authorities have not acted together to avoid uncoordinated, and there has been no transparency in the activities of City Hall, autonomous community and government.
The removal of infrastructure investments in the Autonomous Region including rounds of the city, means the lace to the possible economic recovery of the city and shows signs of little interest to the autonomous government is Lorca, and the lack of authority City government has to hold their party colleagues in Madrid and Murcia, the city needs.
Finally, Juan Manuel Cabrera has confirmed the support and the presence of UPyD Lorca in the demonstration called by the inhabitants of Lorca Assembly for Thursday May 10, in order to claim that "there are still many things to be done to recover normality in the city of Lorca. "
Source: UPyD Lorca