Upon completion of the first year of the 2011-2015 term with the PP in front of the municipal government, José García Murcia, councilman-Green IU spokesman stressed that the political management has been ineffective on the Lorca, in a year sad and black not only by the effects of the earthquake, but by the inaction of municipal government, always passive and waiting for higher decisions.
The spokesman, has been referred first to the democratic deficit that presents the municipal institution, referring to the existing lock in the rules of participation, indicating that prior to the earthquake, is intended to study options such as the possibility of public participation in the full or the establishment of neighborhood councils, issues that have been in a drawer because it was not these mechanisms activated by the council of citizen participation.
In this regard, Murcia Garcia recalled that in March last full, IU-Green introduced a bill to strengthen citizen participation in our city, asking to be recorded the full and hung in the council's website.
He also stressed that nothing has been done in terms of regulation imposed by the declaration districts of large city population in 2008, which could have meant more and better attention to neighborhoods and districts.
This chapter of citizen participation, the council has made express reference to the breach of a People's Party election promise of democratic election of village headman to change the traditional allocation of names by the mayor, which is showing a clear democratic deficit in municipal management.
Garcia said Murcia perceived a clear suspicion and fear on the part of the government team regarding any initiative emerging from social organizations and neighborhood, causing a rift growing between the institution and social reality.
Also, since the training has been shown that whole list of municipal services such as social action, cultural, sports or youth are decreasing so obvious and painful.
Lorca flagship events like spring to film, or youth meetings have disappeared, and shows the lack of "heat" from the municipal institutions, and lack of empathy for policy makers to the social life of the people.
In relation to economic management of municipal finances, García Murcia has emphasized the total loss of the capacity for action of the council, which is in a situation of economic collapse where ever you will have fewer financial resources, which will impact, according to the spokesman of training in the provision of municipal services is increasingly short supply and of poorer quality.
Faced with the recurring argument of the debts inherited from previous governments, used by the government team, Garcia Murcia states that are already 5 years of municipal government of the PP, with a current situation of dominance and power in addition to the three governments by their party, and it is time to assume the relevant responsibilities.
So, you mentioned that political action and setting conservative government of Spain has prompted the council to collapse further its ability to provide public services.
Moreover, it is alleged that the municipal government has been unable to lower the municipal public debt, which stands at 90 million euros, an amount much larger than the own municipal budget for 2012, not yet determined, and on which García Murcia requires immediate discussion in an extraordinary plenary session.
Regarding the status of the districts, the spokesman for IU-Green said that there is no right to parishes are our most neglected than ever, and said that although the intervention on the urban center is a priority now for the effects the earthquake, however the districts form a fundamental part of our territory and they can not leave the way you are doing, because not even receive care for the traditional annual festivals or shows any willingness to develop and rural tourism of them, among other issues.
Finally, Garcia Murcia has stated that the situation in Lorca is very serious and political action, sorry.
He highlighted that the Commissioner ads have lost their value and credibility, since absolutely nothing I said has been fulfilled, as shown by the much hyped decree of March 30 has not expedited the resolution of the case by the Joint Committee and that this committee did not meet with the frequency indicated in the decree.
In this sense, the council has condemned the severity of that blame back to the citizens of the state, as is clear from the statements of their own municipal government spokesman when he argues that the problem is the lack of documentation records.
From IU-Greens say the government has not formalized the ICO credit of EUR 115 million for payments to victims, nor yet paid assistance approved by decree of March, which appear as an extremely serious situation, which local government could not deny.
According to the spokesman, the central government will provide more aid to Lorca, hiding behind the adoption has already done the decrees, and says Garcia Lorca Murcia that the plan is postponed indefinitely and not appreciated overtones for economic recovery.
In addition, Valcárcel complaint has abandoned us to our fate and deceives us constantly with statements of hope to soothe tempers, but does not solve anything.
Given this, Murcia Garcia also claims that local government is silent and gives, not only can not claim to lead the neighborhood, but she faces as if it were an enemy to fight, siding with its political and tricks that articulate.
In this unfortunate situation Councilman considered not only economic but a matter of leadership and management skills and the challenge before us is none other than the reconstruction of Lorca.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca