Councilman Youth council of Lorca, Augustine Llamas, this morning the remodeling of the web site of this municipal area, a website with 6 years old and over 50,000 users.
The portal is aimed at youth information in all areas where the council of youth work, mobility, housing, employment, partnership, education and childhood.
Llamas explained that taking into account the consolidation of the Internet as an information channel of the first magnitude, and taking advantage of the great success of social networks among young audiences, it is necessary to rethink the strategy being developed by the Department on information Through these channels.
The new proposal is dumped into the virtual information management through social networking sites used by young people, such as facebook, twitter and Tuenti.
Through these new channels will be disseminated municipal automatically for the user to obtain information in a much more convenient and faster, and can, also, select according to their interests or preferences.
The page also also contains all the council bid proposal in its 2012 action plan, along with other applications such as calendars of events (where you will find information on the different specific activities that are taking place in our town), and the market (which offers a very specific information related to rental housing, tutoring ...)
Youth Councillor thanked the joint effort technicians have developed the Department of Information Society with youth information for the implementation of this new site, and thanks to the development of this information channel young Lorca can be better informed of developments in all areas of City Hall.
This action, likewise, encourages young people living in rural communities access to information on equal terms, since these are more difficult to approach any of the youth information points available in our town.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca