The Mayor of Lorca met this morning with representatives of the Assembly of People Affected by Earthquake, and stressed that "in these circumstances it is essential to work together, regardless of baseless accusations and insults."
The Mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar, said that the City will be vigilant to the system for payment of aid to those affected by the earthquakes of the past year is fluid, once the first payment occurred last Friday.
The mayor has stated that "we will remain vigilant and press for the mechanism of the fruits pursued.
It is time that we support local organizations.
In these circumstances, the claim is necessary, provided it is done objectively and regardless of baseless accusations and insults.
We must stand together to make constant pressure to keep payments coming, now that we have made the new system established by Decree-Law last work. "
This morning the mayor held a meeting with representatives of the Assembly of Neighbors Affected by Earthquakes, with whom he agreed in rejecting the delay in the arrival of aid.
The Mayor explained the work done by the City Council and Mayor itself has made possible the setting up of the system of aid payments.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca