Councilman Sports City of Lorca, Augustine Llamas, has reported that the Municipal popular today launched the Summer School of Physical Activity and Recreation (EVAFO), which are participating this year a total of 220 youth in the municipality .
Llamas explained that this is a summer school sports character directed the babysitter s of 8-15 years, which will run until July 27, Monday through Friday from 10:00 h.
to 13:00 h.
Note that from Tuesday to Friday will be taught tennis, water sports and team sports: football, basketball, handball and volleyball), while on Monday there will be activities on the environment: orienteering, hiking, beach games, etc.. .)
The Sports Edil noted that these programs are rewarded with discounts the involvement of several members of the same family and the program includes round-trip transportation by bus to the facility.
The objectives are to contact EVAFO mark and started to individual sports disciplines, collective and racquet sports and aquatic and terrestrial environment.
Participants will learn and practice different sports, giving students the resources and practice basic skills, in order to perfect the physical skills and basic motor and improve specific skills.
These activities are also intended to improve physical fitness and basic physical qualities of youth, both in strength, speed, endurance and flexibility, as well as prepare students to future sport specialization, advice and guidance to the sports that best adapted to the characteristics, interests, tastes and preferences of students.
The mayor stressed that initiatives like this also favor the development of students, developing not only technical, tactical and physical but also cognitive, social-emotional, recreational, etc., and encouraging the adoption of postural habits, hygiene and healthy eating in the sporting context.
Similarly, this program is made known and encouraging the use of resources and facilities available for physical activities and sports.
The course is primarily an educational project.
Therefore, the methodology of the character classes will be active, participatory and collaborative, involving the alumn @ s in the various tasks in a relaxed, relaxed and fun.
The sessions will last approximately 50 minutes.
The tasks that will be of varying intensity, taking into account the age of s and educate students that the day will include 3 hours.
They raise a variety of exercises to avoid monotony and boredom of the resulting alumn @ s, and thus to explore more aspects of initiation, and advanced knowledge of sports or discipline being performed.
The Sports Councillor has stated that "if there is a term that summarizes the methodology of the course is to learn playing. Be sought to help the child acquire sport skills' and improve your physical and mental ability through play, avoiding mechanical character exercises, as far as possible ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca