Today we have gathered at the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain (IPCE) of the Government Commissioner for Lorca, representatives of the Council of Europe, the Ministries of Development and Education, Culture and Sport of the Region of Murcia and the City of Lorca, to discuss the implementation of an integrated strategy for action.
Once the first and urgent measures of reconstruction and recovery of cultural heritage affected by the earthquake of May 2011, this strategy is intended to deal comprehensively with the comprehensive rehabilitation of the city, in order to boost its economic development, improve the lives of its inhabitants and seize their assets to enhance quality cultural tourism.
Specific objectives that have been marked include the historic downtown revitalization by reusing buildings, the creation of public spaces, the revival of trade and improving access.
It also aims to implement similar measures to Uptown, where rehabilitation is expected and consolidation of buildings, and the inclusion of some of these neighborhoods tours linking the castle of Lorca with the city center.
Another aspect addressed concerns the creation of policy and management tools necessary for the development of the strategy.
For this, a technical unit will be responsible for requesting and implementing the priority projects, streamline administrative processes and mobilize financial resources.
It has also highlighted the joint involvement of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, the Region of Murcia, Lorca City Council and the bishopric of Cartagena in implementing the Recovery Plan for Heritage for whose performance has been achieved about 70% of the necessary funding.
It should be noted that the meeting has allowed the offer of collaboration by the Council of Europe, and strengthening coordination among the various administrations and institutions involved.
It has also seen the need for a reform of urban planning of Lorca and has agreed to consider the funding of specific projects of rehabilitation and recovery through European programs.
Ultimately, this strategy is to carry out the recovery and rehabilitation of Lorca by integrating social, economic, environmental, historical, cultural and accessibility through a consistent investment program and interrelated, with priorities and criteria efficiency and sustainability.
Source: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte