Jose Garcia Murcia, spokesman for the city council of IU-Green has criticized the slowness of action of the mayor, taking excessive time has elapsed since the European experts draw up its report of recommendations to the mayor has decided to consider the suggestions occurred, 8 months ago.
The councilman said that on numerous occasions during this time, this political group has emphasized the application without further delay the recommendations of European experts, without receiving any attention from the mayor.
In this sense, the council believes it is impossible to reconcile the ideas in this report with the issuing of licenses that are already in place from urban as well as with urban developments that are taking place now.
Regarding the loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) 185 million recently announced Murcia Garcia recalled that Valcarcel has been subtracting Lorca investments for at least the last five years, and that of the 201.3 million referred in the budgets of those years only were executed 67.8, so during only the period 2007-2010 has been left due to the Lorca 133.5 million euros, amount of debt investments that Lorca rises to 140 million euros if you add 50% for the year 2011 that was never implemented.
So, Councilman fraud complaint that the CARM, with Valcárcel at the helm, has committed to Lorca and exposes many of the issues addressed by the EIB loan was covered by regional budgets for Lorca and never materialized, which demonstrates the government's economic mismanagement and tolerating regional mayor of the city, always in an attitude of subordination and submission to Valcárcel.
For Garcia Murcia, triumphalist tone and redemptive Valcárcel statements to be presented as the Lorca El Salvador with the European loan is another example of his cynicism, impudence and disloyalty.
The councilman pointed out that if now presented with 185 million euros, nearly 120 million due to us from previous years.
Since the formation insist that the long list of broken promises and commitments vacant full pages of newspapers have starred Valcárcel served to sink more and obstruct lorquina society and its slow return to normality after the catastrophe.
In this sense, Pedro Sosa, IU-Green councilor said that following a meeting in January with the Director of Public Works, the group learned that the CARM was to receive a European loan to allocate the settlement of roads secondary Lorca, money she says will go Valcárcel more than 60% for reconstruction of houses.
Councilman asks what they were then the royal decrees earlier and exposes both the CARM and the council are managing all the processes related to earthquakes with political dirt, low sensitivity and slow shameful.
IU-Green expressed his intention of wanting to participate in the decision to develop projects and also be allowed to affected neighborhood movements, in order to ensure transparency in the matter, knowing the capacity even more infamous regional president to lie and distort reality and the mayor to afford it.
Formation spokesman has claimed Valcárcel an apology about his remarks a few days ago in which he branded the opposition to exploit politically the earthquake and behaviors show "filth."
Murcia Garcia said that his group can not allow or tolerate those statements, especially when IU-Green has shown from the beginning their collaboration, both institutionally and on the street, with citizens.
It is, as the council, of a serious offense unfounded and full of malice and impudence.
In this regard, the spokesman said that the formation behavior Valcárcel with the people of Lorca if you have been extremely dishonest, causing an alarming delay the recovery of the city.
Finally, in regard to municipal budgets in 2012, García Murcia said that we are led to a decrease in important benefits to citizens of the city council, stating that the municipality is acting so grossly negligent by delaying the presentation of budget and municipal accounts.
Thus, since the formation of left asking that in a monographic session during the month of July, presented by the municipal budget, semi-annual balance of income and expenditure of the council, which account for the amounts contributed by the various authorities to reconstruction of Lorca, and the costs incurred because of no use to present the budget if not accompanied by the balance of income and expenses.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca