This is to prevent the accumulation of weeds in this type of channels, an element that prevents the water can flow through its natural course of events in case of rain and cold drop.
Councilman Environment of the City of Lorca, Melchor Morales, has reported that the Local Government Board approved request to the Segura basin cleaning and conditioning of the public channels corresponding to the portions of rivers and Guadalentín Velez that intervention is necessary in order to prevent flooding and prevent fires.
Melchor Morales argued that "this action is only necessary because we have had to act twice against small fires existing herbaceous mass in these watercourses. Now is to act in coordination with CHS to prevent situation gets out of hand. still time to act preventively against the possibility that these incidents are repeated, and that is precisely what we do. "
From the Consistory is recalled that the need for these actions is determined as well, because the accumulation of weeds causes, in the case of floods, water can not circulate through the natural channel, and these natural routes for the disposal of stormwater clogging and overflow.
This can ultimately cause water intrusion in nearby homes, causing major economic damage, and even personal materials.
To this we now add the non-removal of weeds produced in previous seasons greatly increased the destructive power of fire in case of fire.
A fact that, as we have seen in towns of our region, can cause the fire raze large areas of forest.
This request includes the requests made to the municipal councils by residents of the County of The Parish Councillor and Terce, among others, demonstrating the need for the cleanup of these areas urgently in order to prevent fires this summer and prevent possible flooding for next fall.
Similarly, we have asked the Directorate General Environment of the CARM appropriate authorities for the cutting and logging in the aforementioned channels of native flora that is not endangered and have an easy play to avoid the risk of fire and facilitate the evacuation of the waters in the event of heavy rain.
Note the flood of 1973, considered one of the worst floods known, occurred on the Iberian Peninsula, where the significant burden of entrained solids increased the destructive power of water.
At that time the riverbeds Guadalentín and Velez, were free of herbaceous mass, allowing better drainage of storm water.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca