Bartolome Bautista reported that the payment of aid following the Royal Decree of March will go ahead and faster as it develops.
The People's Party has advised that Lorca has created a new working group focused specifically on the analysis and communication.
Responsible for it, Bartolome Bautista, explained that this is a bid to generate ideas and concrete concepts present in the municipality.
Bautista wanted to emphasize, first, the work that has been developing our Mayor, Francisco Jodar, which he described as "tough, hard and done with discretion," and has managed to solve difficult problems such as the drafting of a new Royal Decree and obtaining funding to rebuild the town, among other things.
Bautista is anticipated that "today we can report that the payment of aid continues its march. It is recalled that a few days ago we reported that they had resumed payments of aid. Was 187 specifically affected by the amount of 309,922 euros. This process continues, so that the figure today, amounts to 778,400.91 euros, benefiting 214 families lorquinas. As anticipated our Mayor, we will remain vigilant so that the system that you worked hard to implement, not stop. During these days, right up to the July 10, aid has been paid for 27 records, broken down between 22 to repair housing (representing € 241,894.09) and 5 for reconstruction, for the amount of 226,584, € 74 ".
From the PP Lorca have valued highly the approval of the Draft Law enforcement in the Regional Assembly, noting that "will contribute significantly to the reconstruction of demolished buildings after the earthquakes, because basically going to allow those affected rebuild their homes regardless of whether owners who do not want to build. "
Bautista noted also that during the past week are reaping the results of the work that has been developed by the Mayor to get the city to go back to normal.
"We are aware that much remains to be done, but it is also true that much has been done and continues to advance. In recent weeks, for example, we attended the presentation of the reconstruction project of the institute Ramón Arcas Mecca had to be demolished by the damage caused by earthquakes last year.
Bartolome Bautista explained that "this is an important step for the recovery of normal in our town. We are talking about a school that suffered the loss of much of the real estate being demolished during the months of December 2011 and January 2012 after repeated attempts to maintain its stability were sterile. "
Bautista stressed that "from the PP of Lorca believe that the normalization of the city is accelerating. We spent a year in which we have worked with intensity. In fact, the meetings of our Mayor, Francisco Jodar, have used to get key assists to Lorca. has been "kicked" office after office in Murcia, Madrid and Brussels, to ensure you get money to finance the rebuilding of our city. The work of our Mayor has been key to achieving, among other issues, the 185 million through a loan from the European Bank Credit. also crucial negotiations have been conducted to obtain approval for a new Royal Decree that would solve the serious deficiencies that left pending by the PSOE government, which, remember , came to recognize their inability to resolve the issue of Lorca. "
Bautista said that we are aware that there are many things to do, but if we take stock of what has been done we can say that the recovery of Lorca, has a solid foundation for its development, and the proof is the installation of cranes for the reconstruction of buildings, the laying of foundation stones, the presentation of projects to raise institutes Mecca Ros Giner y Arcas and the launch of the new system for payment of aid, or more than 3 million have been distributed among the families affected by the earthquake by the Bureau for Development, facts to which we must add the successful Special Employment Plan of the CARM, which allowed to hire 300 to fix Lorca standing care units and citizen service.
The data in the urban landscape on the recovery is also evidence that the standardization process is accelerating.
In fact in recent weeks have been granted licenses for the reconstruction of 400 houses, and is expected to soon start rebuilding another 8 apartment buildings in the neighborhood of La Viña, besides the houses.
In the last 2 months the delivery of applications to that effect is accelerating continuously, so that, according to estimates, during the month of August will have been given licenses for the reconstruction of more than 800 dwellings, ie almost 80% of which had to be demolished (total 1,162).
If we go into figures, the data are evident, namely that the work done by our Mayor leaves us this year:
Special Employment Plan CARM: 4 million €
Bonus payment to the City by property tax exemption: 22 million €
Emergency Actions by: 23 million €
Payments made ​​by Joint Commission: 5 million €
Payments Insurance Pool: € 450 million
Financing closed for payments Joint Commission: € 230 million
Works to inclement weather: € 2.3 million
Actions 1% cultural heritage: 2 million €
Extraordinary works: 1 million €
Commerce and industry recovery plan: € 42.6 million
Recovery schools and colleges: 13 million €
Bureau for Development Aid: 3 million €
Extraordinary Expenses social affairs: € 542,000
Recovery sports facilities: € 2.4 million
Source: PP Lorca