Portal de Lorca


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detail of Lorca


The Socialist Party calls to expedite the work of two educational centers (16/07/2012)

The head of the Municipal Group Socialist Education, Mazuecos Jesus has begun his appearance before the media showing the concern of the Municipal Socialist Group at the "state of the reconstruction are affecting two local centers, one of E . Elementary and Secondary E. other, within the current problems they are some Schools of Lorca, have a singular importance. "

The mayor pointed out that Lorca "and discussed in a plenary earlier and before all of this City Corporation, a beg, which mentioned that students belonging to Early Childhood Education Pasico CEIP-Campillo, attend class in an old building, near the main building which does not meet the minimal conditions required to develop this work with dignity. They support a situation of uncertainty in risk and danger evident that can be seen simply by looking at the facilities of that building. restless and uneasy situation that all educational community and repeatedly stating they are. "

The Socialist councilor reiterated that "we also pray that we referred to the plenary, thanks to pressure from the educational community and municipal disposal solve this problem, we undertook efforts to the litigation. We mentioned that the City Council had proceeded to the expropriation and acquisition of a site adjacent to the College, with enough area to build a new Early Childhood Education. "

"Then you got the CARM contemplase within the deferred payments, the acometimiento of these works. Committing the Ministry of Education to initiate in the months of October or November 2011. Well, this issue has not been returned to be news, is displayed as an excuse the damaged financial situation dragged regional accounts. Later we learned that in the budgets of the CARM, 2012, does not provide any item or peers which it is intended for this purpose, and is currently in stand- By, like many other outstanding achievements, "he added.

The social responsibility has emphasized that "from the Socialist Party we want to collaborate to solve this long-lasting and undesirable situation and be able to move, if achieved, peace and tranquility to all who make up the educational community of the Center, alumni / ae, parents , teachers, etc.. Therefore, we demand those responsible to solve this situation, addressing the new center once and for all and no more hide behind the lack of economic resources, when there will policy to solve an urgent problem like this, are the resources, that's enough to postpone solutions. And, please notify this school community when they will carry out ".

In another vein, Mazuecos Fernandez stressed that "we are knowledgeable by the media because no one invited us to attend the presentation by Mr. Minister of Education, the Project of reconstruction of the IES Ramón Arcas Mecca. We rejoice greatly that progresses very slowly, however, in making education centers are rebuilt demolished by the earthquake. Nothing pleased us more than this news. But have had to spend 14 months since the earthquake in order to present the Project? ... Yes, we know that the development of projects and the administrative procedures are complex and involve large-scale, But could not have been resolved more quickly because of the exceptional and intolerable situation that support students and faculty of this IES? There are no emergency procedures planned for these cases and / or the like? ".

"We are told they are working at top speed, to put up for tender as soon as possible the two IES projects, and that before the end of this year they hope to have resolved all the red tape and works can be awarded. I'll take care of remind Mr. Director if deadlines are not met. For the money, which did mention would be about € 4 million, did not say anything about where they go out. Why did not dispel doubts? We believe we have a right to know "continued the mayor Lorca.

Jesus ended his appearance Mazuecos adding "thanks and appreciation to the Minister of Education made to the educational communities of the municipality for the answer (we would say patience) and understanding that are showing and revealing once again the enormous human category and possessing all our educational communities. "

Source: PSOE Lorca

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