Jose Garcia Murcia, councilman IU spokesman Lorca-Green said the strong opposition of his political group to the measures outlined by the Prime Minister of Spain on July 11 in Parliament, calling them the biggest cut of economic , social and political democratic era in our country, which were subsequently adopted on 13 July by royal decree in the Council of Ministers.
According to the councilman, these cuts and economic policies affect the lower classes and disadvantaged-dependent, unemployed and officials, among others, measures also in regard to amending the Basic Law on Local Government, which threaten against the very essence of the democratic system, since that reduce the potential for citizen representation.
Also cited another important measure as an amendment draft of the Coastal Act, on which you expect to cause a pull on new investments in our urban beaches.
The economic measures, according to IU-green represent a new and brutal attack of the wealthy classes, ie, financial and political oligarchies, the purchasing power of workers.
For Garcia Murcia is a new attack that is preceded by many others who have been unjust laws imposed by markets and by the dominance of neoconservative policies, to the UI has always maintained its opposition front.
In this regard, he stressed that IU-Green for many years been warning of the perversion of an economic system and unfair speculative finance which would cause serious consequences, as it's being shown.
The spokesman said that there are no historical experience to demonstrate that the type of policy is being implemented in Europe and specifically in Spain favors ending the crisis, but rather the opposite.
The greed of financial executives, the lack of control of the governing bodies of financial institutions, corruption and misconduct, as well as public performance negligent pseudo governments - democratic and corrupt actions of many leaders public, is plunging the population distrust, and takes the time warp was a black economic past, also undermining the foundations of democracy.
Therefore, from IU-Green with more arguments in the hand and the reason given by the passage of time, expressed in the strongest opposition to the huge rotunda snip Rajoy and his intention to fight with all the possibilities for change the economic model and the dominant conservative politics.
Thus, Garcia Murcia has complained that the new cuts and new structural reforms announced by the government of Mariano Rajoy is a missile launched on an economy already in ruins.
An almost vindictive fury against the Spanish economy that also show several disturbing aspects that seem to be becoming trend: irresponsibility, lack of rigor, and incoherence.
Spokesman for the council is irresponsible measures that do not seem to hear the alarming data that social organizations like Red Cross, UNICEF or Doctors Without Borders released on poverty levels in Spain.
Has shown that all the indicators-poverty, extreme poverty, child malnutrition, family member without salary ... - are on the rise, in line with a country with 25% unemployed in that 40% of them already been unemployed more than one year.
From IU-Green also condemn, especially, a measure is particularly damaging as the lowering of the collection of unemployment benefits, which for new applicants will be 50% from the sixth month, and not the current 60%.
Given the modal salary (which takes more people, than the average salary) many people will have to survive-or-bad life with 450 euros per month.
Also highlighted as perhaps the most controversial of government: the increase in VAT.
Leaving aside the political consequences of the measure, which definitely shoots electoral legitimacy People's Party, the consequences on the population are anticipated serious.
One of the inconsistencies of this government is given to the VAT hike cultural products to 21%.
What good pass-Wert Sinde Act of persecution of Internet downloads?
How VAT on cinema tickets for live music and eBook at 21% how you intend to "pirate" less?
Similarly, in this regard has also highlighted another inconsistency adds to the list of irresponsibility of the PP as the sum of the increase in VAT and income tax deductions that will suffer the self.
The Popular Party and the environment related to the election campaign coined the term "entrepreneur" to talk about these entrepreneurs and freelancers who choose to risk their capital to "take" a new business.
For the formation of the left, time and Cristobal Montoro have shown that electoral demagogy was simple, directed towards a group of people-the business-to consider an important group of voters.
In fact, Garcia Murcia has stated that these measures only known autonomous associations of different political spectrum as ATA or UNICAES have been quick to raise critical voices, even from the CEOE employers, despite the gift that earned him the previous reform laboral.El council has emphasized two further reforms als Rajoy:
1) The liberalization schedule, other as savagely attacks the SMEs and the self, which can not compete on the basis of contracts for their employees will want to close.
It is a feast for the supermarkets, because the labor cost to cover new slots is not as serious as that small businesses will face in the neighborhood.
2) The increase in VAT, labor reform that allows wage declines, obstacles to SMEs and freelancers through liberalization schedules and tax increases and other measures reduce consumption.
However, having used cheap and easy to dismiss, not to create a special tax for large companies, promoting urban pitch and other similar measures favoring the entry of foreign capital.
The goal is clear: Spain must be a country of cheap labor and manageable, labor impoverished, where foreign companies can invest, at the expense of domestic SMEs.
It's a lack of historical accuracy, geographical, economic and sociological concern, since Spain has traditionally been a local trade and small business.
Thus, Garcia Murcia summarized that all measures of the Partido Popular, are aimed at changing the Spanish production model not to improve their skills (through more IDi, better education, greater access to women's labor market , ease to create high value-added businesses such as new technologies, focusing on the welfare state sectors as health and social care, nursing, etc ...), but to the simple model of productivity: low wages and high production.
It completely destroy the entrepreneurial, social and industrial Spain.
As regards the impact of these measures, national government cuts Lorca, the councilor said that training will have a very negative impact on the economy weakened Lorca, in the local trade in the unemployed, the working classes in general and certainly in all civil and / or public sector workers.
Lorca aggravated the economic weakness with the inevitability of earthquakes: the trade is subdued and is going to be resentful for the supermarkets, the industry emerges, domestic economies are disrupted, pockets of poverty will still increase Moreover, the unemployed can not find work, and consumption will be reduced by the VAT increase, so claims that these measures will aggravate the situation.
In this sense, from IU-Greens announce who will join the call for popular mobilization against the cuts announced for next Thursday, July 19, making a general call for citizen participation in the protest.
In addition, announce that the next full UI-Green presented a motion to the Plenary Council expresses its rejection and disapproval front of the economic measures agreed by the Council of Ministers on July 13, urging that there be put into practice considering them unfair, disproportionate and unnecessary for public and general interests of the citizens of Lorca.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca