Pedro Sosa, a councilor of the municipal group of IU-Green Lorca denounced the collapse of a house in the cobbled streets of the Barrio de Santa Maria, which is also municipally owned.
The council has highlighted the insistence of his group for the municipality to carry out a thorough review of the Uptown housing to check for possible damage after the earthquake, even to be approved unanimously by the full January 2012 this automatic review by the municipality.
Sosa has shown that failure to comply fully by the Administration is seriously threatening the people of those neighborhoods that appeals to the liability of the municipality.
From IU-Greens call for the mayor, pursuant to the Plenum and to avoid greater evils, proceed with the comprehensive review of Uptown by the technical services of planning, the council knocking alternative when owners lack financial resources to this , the buildings are dilapidated.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca