The Municipal Group Socialist councilor, Andrea Periago, has begun his appearance stating that "we do today in an analysis as to the consequences that will result from the cuts announced by the Government headed by Mr. Rajoy in relation to the Law Dependency and the negative consequences that will fall mainly on women, because of the more than 760,000 dependents, 67% are women. "
Periago said that "it is recalled that the Law Unit has generated 123,000 new direct jobs and 63,000 indirect jobs. Therefore, today more than 170,000 people subscribe to the special agreement of non-professional carers of which 92% are women , of which 43% girls, 22% wives and daughters 7 `5%. These women left to make contributions to Social Security and are not entitled to a pension or health card."
Social responsibility has emphasized that "the Popular Party, which once vote for this bill because it would hurt politically to vote against, has displayed an attitude of obstruction to the application thereof to the regions in which rules ".
"From the first Council of Ministers, we have seen how the government team of Mr. Rajoy has shown little sensitivity to this law and the people who benefit from it, being a social policy that has cost less to implement the scissors and, apparently, not only stay there but, little by little, we will see how it will produce the complete dismantling of the system of Care Unit, "he added.
Lorca The mayor has emphasized that "these cuts Popular Party government is a new attack on the rights of the weak, unemployed, youth, seniors and, of course, women in the People's Party has never believed and now taking advantage of the economic situation pushes back their rights, progress and achievements of the Socialist Party. "
Lopez finished Periago noting that "moving this data to our town, we see that the 5,116 applications for the Law Unit, 3618 are beneficiaries entitled to benefits and 2,534 are beneficiaries provision, being cared for by family 1,956, representing 77% higher percentage than in the rest of the region and as stated above 92% of these caregivers are women and again, because of these cuts will be this group which increases the unemployment rolls. "
Source: PSOE Lorca