The Councillor for Social Services City of Lorca, Mari Carmen Ruiz, informed that the Local Government Committee this morning approved 37 grant aid to many families that meet the requirements set by the various lines of support to those affected by earthquakes agreed by the Bureau for Development.
Ruiz explained that the new aid totaling € 56,986, of which 30,000 € are repayable advances and extensions of those requested by 17 families; € 20,586 are rental assistance grant for 13 families were ineligible Royal Decrees but have failed to demonstrate that they are victims of the earthquake, 4,000 € are € 800 in aid for five families displaced and 2,400 € will be distributed between two new families receiving Comprehensive Social Care project for the standardization of families affected by earthquakes.
The mayor said "with the new aid will be distributed the City euros of funds collected from donations that are managed in a transparent and participatory by the Bureau for Development, composed of representatives of the three authorities, all political parties in the municipality, groups affected, Caritas, Red Cross and any other group or individual who wants to participate in its meetings. "
The head of the municipal social services said "This agreement with the Bureau for Development will be distributed as € 3,091,973.55" that are distributed as follows:
- Aid for demolition of residence: or 690 applications approved.
or 2,049 beneficiaries.
or Total: 763,900 euros.
- Repayable advances for rent, revisions and extensions thereof: or 664 applications approved.
or Total amount: € 944,528.59.
- Hospitality to serious injuries and families who had died from earthquakes: - € 61,140.62 - Aid of comprehensive social care plan for the normalization of the families affected by earthquakes: - 15 applications approved.
- Total amount: € 11,475.
- Aid to families displaced by the earthquake fault: - Applications approved: 588 - Total amount: € 470,400 - Aid to hire exceptional families affected by the earthquakes that do not meet the requirements of the Royal Decrees: - Applications approved: 39.
- Total amount: € 61,246 - Financial Assistance to boost trade (for the Bureau of Commerce): - 500,000 € - Financial assistance for upgrading the new headquarters of the food market: - 70,000 € - Financial assistance for housing rehabilitation in Uptown (San Pedro Street, ironmongers, Macho and Poplar Corner): - € 8,100.
- Other significant expenses of the Solidarity Committee were as follows: - Attendance at the initiative "bungling Without Borders": € 1,879.34.
- Installation and maintenance of modular homes San Fernando: € 44,637.31 - Exceptional expenses Camp The Turret: € 9,585.64 - Additional finalists groups: o Royal House Donation to San Francisco and Santo Domingo: € 119,475.72 or Donation Housewives Association San Jose Home Calasanz: 7,000 € or Kutxa Donation to St. Joseph Calasanz: 5,000 €
Mari Carmen Ruiz recalled that the Bureau for Development aid can be requested at the new headquarters of the Department of Social Services, with the Centre for Local Development and the Office for Reconstruction One, next to the railway station Sutullena.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca