The Councillor for Culture, Sandra Martinez, thanked the Regional Government which will carry out these works, in addition to those already undertaken by the Archaeological Mueso Alicante and the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain
The Councillor for Culture of the City of Lorca, Sandra Martinez, has reported that the Archaeological Museum of Lorca temporarily provide the Archaeological Museum of Murcia eleven parts damaged by the earthquakes of 11 May 2011 for restoration.
Martinez thanked the Regional Government which will carry out these works, to be completed before December 31, 2012, in addition to those already made by the Archaeological Museum of Alicante and the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain.
Of archaeological requested there are seven regional ownership such as the Andalusian Spouted Jug Street Red Chute 2 of Lorca; key iron Rubira street Andalusian Lorca, the Andalusian Jarrito Mother Church of Mercy; Media jar Andalusian carry the Mother Church of Mercy; Andalus Street Jug Shop - Nuns oven, jug Andalusian Lorca Castle, scissors arm of al-Andalus Street Dyes.
The other four are municipally owned and are the Bronze Pin Andalusian Castle Bridges; Snack Ibero-Roman bronze horse in the necropolis of La Poza de Los Royos in Caravaca; Cup Middle Bronze Age (Culture of the Argar) Cup and Middle Bronze Age (Culture of the Argar).
The rehabilitation will be undertaken by the Department of Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage in the restoration laboratory of the Archaeological Museum of Murcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca