Jose Garcia Murcia, councilman IU spokesman Lorca-Green has complained that the regional administration intended "$ 0" for investments in Lorca retarded and squalid, 2012 municipal budgets.
The council has stated that this situation is unacceptable given the urgent need for public investment that requires Lorca following earthquakes and only shows, in his opinion, a lack of commitment Valcárcel with Lorca.
Garcia explains that Murcia, regardless of whether the council later receive other extraordinary income, the reality is that the community adopted the commitment to provide a single euro to invest in Lorca, which remain stalled infrastructure for longer .
Similarly, the spokesman expressed his concern about the huge decline in municipal services and benefits that will occur with the brutal budget cuts, since the total council expenditure and income in the balanced budget of 2011 amounted to 86,320. € 717.24 and in 2012 is € 67,636,887, or nearly 19 million euros, which implies a 22% reduction.
In addition, Councilman Garcia Murcia claims that the council does not provide necessary documentation for a full discussion, as that has been calling this political relative to the income and expenditure of the municipality of Lorca to July 31, 2012, as this has not been provided in the documentation provided for the full debate, being considered by IU-Green essential given the delay in submitting them.
Similarly, García Murcia claims that the full special budgets to be held next Monday, 6 is furnished documentation of all expenses and income so the council has been extraordinary by the earthquakes, an issue that is essential for face to the transparency of information that the city must maintain with the people of Lorca.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca