The council has shown to be an abandoned house full of trash is causing serious inconvenience to the locals, who have to endure the stench given off by the waste and the presence of rats and other vermin.
The debris and dirt come from a house up the street, owned the launch from the terrace, fully demonstrating antisocial behavior.
Sosa has denounced the Town Planning, health, public safety, social services and neighborhood relations since the government team is aware of this issue and has no solution to it.
The councilman said that on other occasions LIMUSA operators have come to remove eight tons of trash from the property and even the neighbors have submitted 100 signatures to the Department of Health, no response from you.
Sosa has accused the government team, with the mayor at the head, leaving the residents of Uptown, which do not address their concerns and needs, and have been described as classist and elitist as only worry central areas of Lorca.
Similarly, the council has stressed the necessity of enforcing the ordinance of peaceful coexistence equally in all areas of the municipality in order to avoid situations like this and punish those who do not display ethical behavior and civic and deliberately hurting the other neighbors.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca