Councilman Youth council of Lorca, Augustine Llamas, reported that since Informajoven of Loch Street from tomorrow will coordinate all volunteers who wish to assist in the recovery efforts of the areas flooded by heavy rains, which have affected very hard to rural area.
Llamas has appealed to associations and individuals of Lorca and other municipalities to work together in a coordinated primarily by clearing houses and water drainage, ...
This may also contact on phone 968 44 46 43.
The City of Lorca special device keeps the cleaning and clearing of roads is acting mainly in the districts of the valley (The Saladar, Campillo, Purias, Altobordo, ...) consisting of 150 people and coordinated by the mayor, aldermen, mayors Puisne.
They are also working all effective Municipal Emergency Service, Local Police, Fire Department, Planning and other technical staff, who are collaborating with professionals in law enforcement and state emergencies.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca