The Councillor for Culture and Celebrations of the City of Lorca, Sandra Martinez, and the President of the Federation San Clemente, Luis Antonio Torres, have informed this morning of the acts that will be developed on the occasion of the feast of the patron of our city, San Clemente.
This year the new products showcased these activities are basically the back of the camp into the enclosure of the Castle, and the representation of the historical work of Jose Sastre Mention "Lorca, Castilla" which will take place on 23th November, after the conclusion of the contest crumbs in the courtyard of the castle.
Notably, as a new fact, the celebration of the Jewish rite of "Hanukkah", which is planned on 9 December at the castle Jewry.
It is a ritual that involves lighting the Hannukiyos, an 8-arm chandelier recalls the miracle of the oil in the Temple of Jerusalem.
The proclamation, which will be the 16th in the Mubbla, and is payable by the former Mayor of Lorca Jose Antonio Gallego, will be preceded by the traditional parade of ambassadors, who will depart from New Placica to the church of Santo Domingo.
The big parade is scheduled to be carried on the evening of the 17th, beginning at 7 pm., With output in square oval, to the Garden Ruano.
Also installing a typical medieval market places in Columbus, Calderón and Negrito, which remain from 22 to 25 November.
The pattern Mozarabic Mass will be held at the Church of San Francisco, where he released the song to Lorca pattern, designed by Antonio Manzanera.
After Mass was procesionará to Santo Domingo where a wreath and will save, while Auroros sing pieces from his repertoire.
The poster for the festivities, which also has been presented this morning, is the work of artist Lorca and BFA, Jose David Martinez.
The groups are expected to participate in the grand parade are:
Moors: Berbers of Campillo, Muladíes of Lurka, Benimerines, Moorish, and Almohads.
Jewish Bando: Sons of Levi, Sons and Children of Aventuriel Abendanno.
Christian Bando: Xiquena Knights, Ladies of Aragon, Knights Templar of the Order of St. John Catholic Monarchs and Hosts of Infante Alfonso.
The full program of events is as follows:
Saturday November 10
Institutionalizing Knight 18 hours and Court Lady by Prince Alfonso Beacon Park.
From 5 to 25 November
Movie Tickets Giveaway (via Facebook).
Each question you raise, seeking the answer to the Facebook page "History of the City of Lorca" Participate and discover the epics of our ancestors who made Lorca.
Friday November 16
20 hours Placica Ambassadors Parade New-Santo Domingo
Proclamation 21 hours of the Festival.
By Mr.
Jose Antonio Gallego López, Mayor of the city between 1983-1993, will be held at White Pass Embroidery Museum (Mubbla).
22 hours Lunch Parador Castillo de Lorca (15 euros)
Saturday November 17
Tomorrow Chess Tournament Lorca Castle
19 hours Great Parade Stop Lorca Medieval History (713-1488) along Avenida Juan Carlos I (Oval-Garden Ruano).
20: 30 hours Ruano Mansion Peace Pledge of Lorca
Thursday 22 to Sunday 25,
Medieval Market at Plaza Calderon, Columbus and Negrito
Thursday November 22
21 hours up to the Castle from Plaza Calderon
Friday November 23
12 hours Pilgrimage to the Castle: Scrimmage.
12:30 Capitulation Act Rule Youth Association, Castle Parade
13 hours Migas Contest in the Castle Parade
15:30 Theatre Company Lorca by Castilla Guerra, Castle Parade
Saturday November 24
18 hours Mozarabic Mass Church of San Francisco
19 hours Parade moguls Lorca Medieval History Procession from San Francisco to Santo Domingo
20 hours Awards Contest Senas In memoriam Pedro Tudela
20 hours Folklore Festival Venue San Clemente Santa Quiteria
Songs and Dances Virgin Aljucer Hazards
Songs and Dances of Our Lady of Health Velez Rubio
Songs and Dances of Virgen de las Huertas Lorca
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca