Everyone has overwhelmed the news of the collapse of one of the buttresses of the Parish of San Cristobal de Lorca, which were severely damaged in the earthquakes that occurred 18 months ago today, due to the rains in recent days falling on town.
This incident has caused the fall into the Church, leading to the collapse of the roof that has left "open" the chapel of San Antonio, and breaking the image of the saint.
Mr. Bishop, upon hearing the news, has been in touch with the appropriate technical, to know the extent of the damage, while the pastor of that church, expressing his regret and closeness.
Also, want to thank the Mayor of Lorca how quickly they resolved those difficulties preventing the immediate start of the restoration of this sacred place as emblematic for the District and the City of the Sun, and commitment of Mr . Mayor to continue the restoration work after the emergency, starting tomorrow, will begin.
With this painful event the Diocese of Cartagena is urged to continue the work that has been underway since May 11, 2011, communication and collaboration with all institutions, for the recovery of its heritage monuments, both processes technical and administrative prior to start of construction, and the implementation of some of them.
Source: Obispado de Cartagena