The new Secretary General of JSL was brought before the media after being elected as such on Friday with the majority support of the militant youth group of Lorca.
José Ángel Ponce, Secretary General of the Socialist Youth of Lorca, began his appearance before the media ensuring that the organization he represents "fight in hopes of curbing and solution to the inequalities and injustices to which the Government of the Party Popular is undergoing lorquina citizenship. And that is affecting especially the young generation more and better prepared for the story. "
He says that "young socialists as we are, we feel a responsibility to change this.'ll Be fully present in society lorquina from their neighborhoods to their districts. Will develop and will promote information campaigns, protest and solidarity".
Stresses that the priority at the moment is "conducting a campaign that urgently solve the lack of initiative of a Party that is unable to develop a specific plan for youth employment in our town."
Ponce also highlights battling for the reconstruction of schools affected by the earthquake, which "forces have now displaced from their usual study centers to more than 30% of students Lorca."
As evidence as needed "improved vocational training program", as the current believes that "does not address the real needs requiring a municipality like Lorca".
The new Secretary General of JSL also considered "prime encourage youth associations that the Popular Party of Lorca is loaded with the aim seems to make youth a youth lorquina submissive and nothing reactionary".
Finally, Ponce calls on all progressive youth of the town: "We are a group of young people who, like many of you, are not satisfied with the situation we are facing and we are willing to stop the onslaught nothing united in solidarity with a Match People who are ending our future. "
Source: JSL