Women Councilwoman City of Lorca, Lali Ibarra, also stressed that information tables will be installed, held talks and a chat, and a tribute to the victims, to be held in the Plaza Calderon on Thursday 22 at 20: 00 hours.
Women Councilwoman City of Lorca, Lali Ibarra, this morning the schedule of events planned this year in the town to commemorate the November 25 International Day for Prevention of Gender Violence, a collaboration of the Consistory Cazalla partnership with Intercultural and Red Cross Youth.
Ibarra explained that "the main novelty of this year will be on Wednesday the establishment of the Local Coordinating Board against Gender Violence, which will represent all those directly or indirectly involved in the fight against gender violence, with to optimize all the actions to achieve the eradication of this social evil. "
The Local Board will meet twice a year as ordinary and extraordinary meetings, when circumstances so warrant or necessary.
Specifically, is expected to attend these meetings, along with the Councillor for Women and Employment City of Lorca, the Director General of Prevention of Violence Against Women, Youth, and Reform Legal Protection of Children, Veronica Lopez, the Magistrate-Judge the Court of First Instance and Instruction No. 4 of Lorca with exclusive competence in gender violence, Rocío Fons, the Attorney Dean of Lorca, Luis Aran Garcia, the Chief of the National Police of Lorca, Francisco de Paula Garcia, and Chief of Local Police Lorca, Juan Amoros, next to the University Hospital Manager "Rafael Méndez" Lorca, Catherine Lawrence, the Director of the Employment Bureau of Lorca, Antonio Jose Lopez, Advisor for Diversity Center for Language and Communication of Lorca, Agustin Garcia, and the Director of the Center for Social Services City of Lorca, Juan de la Cruz García Martínez.
Concentration on Thursday 22 at the Plaza Calderon
In addition to the creation of the table, is planned on Thursday 22 at 20:00 in the Plaza Calderon an official event with a concentration in tribute to all victims of gender violence in the monolith that remembers.
This event will observe a minute of silence, he will lay a wreath at the foot of the monolith and proceed to the traditional reading of the manifesto.
However, the schedule will start tomorrow, Tuesday at 20:00 pm at the Cultural Center Espin, where Red Cross Youth will give the talk "25 N, Education for the Prevention of Domestic Violence", and will include the installation of information desks on Thursday morning at the weekly market in the Garden of the Wheel and the square Calderon, where information tables will be installed on Saturday and Sunday.
Also be held on Thursday 22 Chain Blue a gathering on gender violence with several groups involved.
Working throughout this year: 1,343 attentions to 287 victims in the CAVI
Councilwoman Women recalled that "the City of Lorca effort to help victims of domestic violence is the result of daily coordination with the Autonomous Region, from 1 January to 31 October this year we have made 1343 attentions to 287 victims in the Lorca CAVI ".
The type of violence most attended in Lorca are the cases that occur together the physical and psychological abuse (in 46.69% of cases), followed by psychological abuse cases (26.83%).
The cases in which in addition to physical and psychological abuse occurs sexual accounted for 22.65% of the cases.
Ibarra explained that "68.64% of the cases of violence served by CAVI are Spanish, followed by 12.89% of Ecuadorian and 8% of women of Moroccan nationality. Nevertheless, in the last 10 months have treated victims of 19 different nationalities. "
Finally, the age range in which most attention has been made is between 41 and 50 years, followed by the range of between 31 to 40 years.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca