The Department of Public Safety and Urban Mobility City of Lorca, through the local police, appropriate to establish special rules of the road for vehicular traffic as a result of demolition of property, located in Avenida Juan Carlos I n º 57 of this city , on 20, 21 and November 22, 2012, from 9:30 am.
The day indicated is prohibited and will clear the parking of vehicles parked on Avenida Juan Carlos I, section between C /.
Floridablanca and C /.
Musso Valiente.
Be set to a single traffic lane in Avenida Juan Carlos I sense Murcia, mentioned in the section concerned, vehicles bound for garages, loading and unloading and circulate for public parking Avenue.
Juan Carlos I, Ovalo sense, be diverted by C /.
Floridablanca, C /.
Lope Gisbert, Ovalo, except buses, which follows the usual route.
A caution is advised pedestrians to avoid accidents
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca