The charge of Education Municipal Socialist Group, Jesus Mazuecos has started reporting that his appearance "this week the City Council has received notification from the Ministry of Education, Training and Employment Counseling ensuring that he had studied the possibility of an agreement between the Ministry of Education, the Ministry itself and the city of Lorca for the construction of a sports hall for joint use of IES Ibáñez Martín and Francisco Ros to replace the old gym which is not fit for use. fitness The demolition of IES Ibáñez Martin is a solution, as we expressed last week, did not share. "
Mazuecos said that "we will submit a question at the next plenary in which we propose for what is not included within the said agreement the opportunity to repair and maintain fitness as IES Ibáñez Martín serve to decongest the sports hall at anticipate future mentioned that the flag will be subjected to a large number of classes and may have saturation problems, estimating that the difference in economic terms, to repair the gym and throwing Ibanez Martin IES is insignificant. "
The mayor has also lorquino noticed the motion on the campus of Lorca presented his group in plenary on Monday saying that "Campus Lorca was planned in two phases of which is only completed the first one. In this first phase, have been included construction of buildings Integrated Training Center, an office building for teachers and administrative services, another corresponding to the library and a third that acts as classrooms, computer rooms and laboratories. "
The Socialist councilor added that "the implementation of the final year of the two university courses currently being taught on this campus in the academic 2013/2014 will lead to an increase in the number of students who obviously will require a need more space. To ensure the full functioning of the Campus of Lorca, it is necessary and essential for a lease extension. To do this, you must undertake the construction of the planned 2nd phase, under the Special Plan of Arrangement of Campus Universitario de Lorca " .
Jesus Mazuecos finished pointing out that "our motion includes a first agreement in which we ask the City of Lorca urge the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia to both the building of the 2nd phase of the Campus, whose foundation is already executed, such as the repair of the building affected by earthquakes, are included in the investments made through the loan that has signed the European Investment Bank in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia to Lorca helps. "
The Secretary General of the Local Executive Committee, Daniel Martínez Fajardo, has described the second agreement of the motion which states that "the City of Lorca made a detailed report on the feasibility and desirability of the Campus Universitario de Lorca request your transformation UMU affiliated center supported by this University. "
The social responsibility has clarified that "becoming involves getting affiliated center management and budgetary autonomy in operation, which would solve a possible future extensions to other degrees, thus constraining not only offer university campus."
Daniel Martinez finished stressing that "there are two formulas remain an extension of the UMU, as now, or Lorca Campus becomes affiliated center. Want to make clear that what we are asking is that consideration, obviously by experts in the field, which is the most convenient and viable formula for the consolidation and expansion of our campus. placed upon the table of the pros and cons of each option and make a reasoned report, detailing with reasons why model is the best fit for Lorca ".
Source: PSOE Lorca